United Against Drug Abuse: UN Global Drug-Free World Conference Promotes Education and Prevention Initiatives

At the 61st session of the United Nations Commission for Social Development, which took place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from February 6-13, 2023, leaders from various countries convened to discuss and promote solutions for global social issues, including drug abuse. The Foundation for a Drug-Free World, COJEP International, and FOWPAL co-hosted a conference to reaffirm their commitment to the power of fact-based education and evidence-based prevention initiatives in helping communities overcome the drug epidemic.

In accordance with Articles 3 and 33 of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the conference participants agreed to work as united groups to coordinate with the UN Sustainable Goals in developing, adopting, and implementing effective evidence-based curricula. They also emphasized the importance of early intervention and proper education in drug prevention strategies.

The Global Forum was attended by official state representatives, health professionals, scientists, politicians, diplomats, NGOs, media, and national artists. The distinguished conference speakers presented the results of large-scale national and international programs, scientifically founded data and conclusions, and the accomplishments of community coordination and collaboration of like-minded humanitarian and social groups.

The program included welcome and introductory remarks by Dr. Bernard Fialkoff, President of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, Americas Chapter, and featured several prominent speakers addressing different aspects of drug abuse and prevention.

Dr. Hong, Founder of FOWPAL and Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy, discussed the reduction of drug use through the application of education and wisdom in conscience and a way to happiness. President Ali Gedikoglu, Founder of COJEP International, highlighted the importance of drug control to reduce social degradation and achieve sustainable justice, individual equality, and peaceful communities.

Dr. Marcos Antonio Garay Caballero, President of the Board of Directors of the Honduran College of Dentist and Surgeons, shared a presentation on implementing factual educational technology based on effective drug prevention strategies.

Other speakers included Freddy F. Anzueto Villatoro J.D., Executive Secretary of SECCATID, who discussed the current state of addiction and illicit drug trafficking; the Honorable Johnny Ford, President of the World Conference of Mayors, who explored how local governments can utilize drug education and community events to enhance wellness and empower more secure and prosperous communities; and Robert Hunter, Global Ambassador of Art Against Violence and Drug-Free World Globetrotter, who talked about how sports, drug education, and mentor events can enhance community wellness, decrease violence and poverty, and improve infrastructure.

Presidents and past presidents of the dental profession, Dr. Robert Trader, Dr. Binod Verma, Dr. Martha Munis and Dr. Marcos Gray, spoke on the role of dentistry in educating patients and communities.

Other dignitaries included Guatemalan SECCATID Director Freddy F. Anzueto Villatoro, Senator Ruben Diaz Sr., Dr. Bernard Fialloff, Ambassador Hugues Sanon, Harlem Globetrotter Robert Hunter, Dr. Robert Trager, Dr. Binod Verma, Dr. Martha Mutis, Honorable Johnny Ford, Turkish Permanent Mission to the UN, Rafael “Bomba” Brito, Jorge Rodriguez, Carlos Manuel Perez Gonzalez, Paul Williams, Charles Choo Smith Jr.,Dr. Marcos Antonio Garay Caballero, Hon. Noah Burroughs and Mayor Cashenna Cross.

Lastly, Pastor Ruben Diaz Sr., Former New York State Senator and New York City Councilman, discussed the role of clergy and religious leaders in educating congregations on the detrimental effects of illicit drug and alcohol misuse.

In conclusion, the Global Forum demonstrated a strong and united commitment to tackling the global drug epidemic through education, prevention, and collaboration. By bringing together experts, leaders, and stakeholders from various fields, the conference is forging a path towards a brighter future.


Jason Merrill

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